All About Citrixsmartauditor

Apr 25, 2013 ObserveIT’s session recording system captures video of all on-screen activity while users work in Citrix XenApppublished applications and on XenDesktop virtual desktops – with technology that’s quite a bit smarter than SmartAuditor! ObserveIT is the best alternative to replace Citrix SmartAuditor. ObserveIT records user activities – in every application and system area – so that. Expand IIS 6 Management Compatibility, and select all four boxes. Click Next through the rest of the wizard. Use MMC Certificates snap-in or IIS, or similar, to request a machine certificate. In IIS Manager, right-click the Default Web Site, and click Edit Bindings. On the right, click Add. Change the Type to https. Last updated: January 8, 2021. Refer to this table for product lifecycle dates. The Product Matrix table below provides information for Citrix products whose product lifecycle is governed by lifecycle phases.Product lifecycle milestones include Notice of Status Change (NSC), End of Sale (EOS), End of Maintenance (EOM) and End of Life (EOL).

Citrix Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ:CTXS) is a leading provider of virtual computing solutions that help companies deliver IT as an on-demand service. Founded in 1989, Citrix combines virtualization, networking, and cloud computing technologies into a full portfolio of products that enable virtual workstyles for users and virtual datacenters for IT.

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Continuing to identify the issue, filter Windows application event log Event Source MSMQ and Event ID: 2183, and review frequency of the issue. Event ID: 2183 is documented as 'Event ID 2183 — Message Queuing System Resources' and includes information for increasing message quota for Message Queuing.

Increase Message Queuing from Computer Management. After selecting Message Queuing, the Message Queuing Properties dialog box displays. Select General tab, and modify the Storage limits. The default value for Limited message storage (KB) is set to 1GB. Increase the value of Limit message Storage (KB) to a higher value.


After modifying the value, monitor the application event log, and verify that the events 2183 are no longer logged.

Problem Cause

Smart Auditor depend on MSMQ and may require the MSMQ message storage to be increased in environments where many sessions are recorded.

Additional Resources

Event ID 2183 — Message Queuing System Resources

All About Citrixsmartauditor

How to set up computer quotas and queue quotas in Microsoft Message Queuing