Download Gif Animator For Blackberry

Since: BlackBerry 10.0.0

Download this app from Microsoft Store for Windows 10. See screenshots, read the latest customer reviews, and compare ratings for GIF Animator. GIF4BBM Is the best source to get animated GIF files for your blackberry messenger, we have the largest database of static and animated display pictures available for blackberry devices, we update.

A class that can be used to control the animation of an animated image (typically a .gif animation).

Here's how to use the image animator in C++:

Here's how to use the image animator from QML:


animatedImage: bb::cascades::Image
playing: bool
running: bool [read-only]
started: bool
objectName: QString
parent: QObject [read-only]
onAnimatedImageChanged: {}
onPlayingChanged: {}
onRunningChanged: {}
onStartedChanged: {}
onCreationCompleted: {}
onObjectNameChanged: {}
boolrunning [read-only]
QObjectparent [read-only]
ImageAnimator(QObject *parent=0)
virtual ~ImageAnimator()
bb::cascades::ImageanimatedImage() const
boolisPlaying() const
boolisRunning() const
boolisStarted() const
Q_SLOT voidresetAnimatedImage()
Q_SLOT voidresetPlaying()
Q_SLOT voidresetStarted()
Q_SLOT voidsetAnimatedImage(const bb::cascades::Image &image)
Q_SLOT voidsetPlaying(bool playing)
Q_SLOT voidsetStarted(bool started)
Q_SLOT voidstart()
Q_SLOT voidstop()
Q_SLOT voidstopAt(bb::cascades::ImageAnimatorAnchor::Type anchor, bb::cascades::ImageAnimatorSeekMode::Type seekMode=bb::cascades::ImageAnimatorSeekMode::Default)
voidsetObjectName(const QString &name)
virtual Q_INVOKABLE QStringtoDebugString() const

Only has inherited protected functions

BaseObject(QObject *parent=0)
voidanimatedImageChanged(const bb::cascades::Image &animatedImage)
voidplayingChanged(bool playing)
voidrunningChanged(bool running)
voidstartedChanged(bool started)
voidobjectNameChanged(const QString &objectName)


The image that the animator is currently controlling.


Specifies whether the attached image should animate or not.

This property is deprecated in favor of the started property


A read-only property that specifies whether the attached image is currently animating or not.

When this property is changed the runningChanged() signal will be emitted.

Due to the asynchronous nature of Cascades, changing the started property or invoking play(), stop() or stopAt() will not change this property immediately. This property will only be changed after the image has actually stopped animating.


Specifies whether the attached image should animate or not.

Changing this property informs the attached image to start or stop playing, and emits the startedChanged() signal.

Setting this property to true has the same effect as invoking play(). Setting it to false has the same effect as invoking stop() or stopAt(ImageAnimatorAnchor::CurrentFrame, ImageAnimatorSeekMode::Immediate). Invoking play(), stop() or stopAt() will change this property immediately.

When an ImageAnimator is created, this property will have the value false, which means that any image attached to an unaltered animator will pause.

Due to the asynchronous nature of Cascades this property does not indicate whether the attached image is currently animating or not, but rather, if the image has been informed that it should animate or not. The running property can be used to find out if the currently attached image is actually animating.


See also:



A read-only property that represents this object's parent.

The parent of an object is specified using QObject::setParent(QObject*). The purpose of the property is to expose the object's parent to QML.

This property is read-only to prevent modifications from QML, where typically the parent is declaratively set. In C++ code, the parent can be explicitly set using QObject::setParent(QObject*), or implicitly set by adding it to a visual container.

The default value of this property is 0.


The parent of this object.




If no image is attached a null image will be returned.


The currently attached image, or a null image if no image is being animated.



BlackBerry 10.0.0



BlackBerry 10.0.0



BlackBerry 10.0.0

Q_SLOT void

This will detach the currently attached image and attach a null image to the animator.

Q_SLOT void

Q_SLOT void

Stops the animation by resetting the started state to false.

Q_SLOT void

When this function is called, the started state of the animator will be pushed to the image. The running state of the image will be pushed to the animator.

An image can only be attached to one animator. If the image was already attached to an animator when this method is called, the image is detached from the old animator and attached to this one. A null image will be attached to the old animator.

When attaching a new image to an animator, the old image does not lose the started state that was pushed to it by the animator, but you cannot control it any longer with the animator.


to attach to the animator

Q_SLOT void


true to start the animation, false to stop it.

Q_SLOT void


If true the animation is started and if false the animation is stopped.

Q_SLOT void

Calling this function has the same effect as calling setStarted(true).

Q_SLOT void

Calling this function has the same effect as calling setStarted(false).

Q_SLOT void

Stops the animation of the attached image in a specified way.

This function can be used to stop the animation of the attached image at specific points in the animation.

How to use this function and how it relates to the started and running properties is illustrated in the following examples:

Example 1:
  1. Invoke stopAt(ImageAnimatorAnchor::CurrentFrame, ImageAnimatorSeekMode::Immediate) or invoke stopAt(ImageAnimatorAnchor::CurrentFrame, ImageAnimatorSeekMode::Animate) while animation is running.

  2. startedChanged(false) will be emitted immediately.

  3. Cascades will stop the animation as soon as possible on the frame the animation is currently on and then runningChanged(false) will be emitted.

Example 2:
  1. Invoke stopAt(ImageAnimatorAnchor::FirstFrame, ImageAnimatorSeekMode::Immediate) while animation is running.

  2. startedChanged(false) will be emitted immediately.

  3. Cascades will stop the animation as soon as possible, jumping to the first frame of the image animation and then runningChanged(false) will be emitted.

Example 3:
  1. Invoke stopAt(ImageAnimatorAnchor::LastFrame, ImageAnimatorSeekMode::Immediate) while animation is running.

  2. startedChanged(false) will be emitted immediately.

  3. Cascades will stop the animation as soon as possible, jumping to the first frame of the image animation and then runningChanged(false) will be emitted.

Example 4:
  1. Invoke stopAt(ImageAnimatorAnchor::FirstFrame, ImageAnimatorSeekMode::Animate) while animation is running.

  2. startedChanged(false) will be emitted immediately.

  3. Cascades will continue to run the animation until the first frame is shown, at which point runningChanged(false) will be emitted.

Example 5:
  1. Invoke stopAt(ImageAnimatorAnchor::LastFrame, ImageAnimatorSeekMode::Animate) while animation is running.

  2. startedChanged(false) will be emitted immediately.

  3. Cascades will continue to run the animation until the last frame is shown, at which point runningChanged(false) will be emitted.

Example 6:
  1. Invoke stopAt(ImageAnimatorAnchor::FirstFrame, ImageAnimatorSeekMode::Animate) while animation is not running and the first frame is not currently showing.

  2. Cascades will emit runningChanged(true), run the animation until the first frame is shown, at which point runningChanged(false) will be emitted.

Example 7:
  1. Invoke stopAt(ImageAnimatorAnchor::LastFrame, ImageAnimatorSeekMode::Animate) while animation is not running and the last frame is not currently showing.

  2. Cascades will emit runningChanged(true), run the animation until the last frame is shown, at which point runningChanged(false) will be emitted.



The new name for the object.

virtual Q_INVOKABLE QString


BlackBerry 10.0.0

(Only has inherited protected functions)


An optional parent, defaults to 0.



The new Image that was attached to the animator


Emitted when the started state of the animator changes.


The new started state of the animator.


Emitted when the running state of the animator changes.


The new running state of the animator.


Emitted when the started state of the animator changes.


The new started state of the animator.


Emitted when this object is instantiated as a result of loading a QML document and creating the root node (only after the root component that caused this instantiation has completed construction), or when the object is being constructed from its builder class.

This signal indicates that the construction and initialization of the object has been completed, the properties are initialized, and any QML binding values have been assigned to the object.

This signal is not emitted when the object is constructed from C++ using the constructor. If the object is constructed using its builder class, the signal is emitted when the the builder class returns the fully constructed object.

Gif Animator Download

This signal can be used when there is an activity that needs to be performed, such as a property state integrity verification after the object is instantiated from a QML document or a builder, but before control is returned to the application.


BlackBerry 10.0.0


This signal is emitted when the objectName property is changed.

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Easy Gif Animator Download

BlackBerry 10.0.0