Talislanta 4ears Mysteriorum's Rpg Sanctuary

  1. For SaleTalislanta, Mutant Year Zero, Gamma World, Aftermath!, CoC, 5E etc.

    Planning an expedition to a few of my favorite semi-local game stores in the next few weeks and I'm trying to put as much GP in my pouch as possible before the journey! For that reason I'm not particularly looking for trades unless you're sporting some Traveller 2nd Ed., Tales From the Loop or...
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    • Forum: The Bazaar of the Bizarre
  2. S

    Talislanta: The Savage Land- Campaign Ideas adn House rules

    So I have started up a Talislanta the Savage Land campaign IRL, and was curious if anyone else is playing it and what they are doing?I am working up a general outline (and yes, I know it's a little railroady, but with the group I have that's ok) with a variety of tasks to work at that involve...
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    • Forum: Tabletop Roleplaying Open
  3. B

    Omni System?

    Does anyone have any experience with Morrigan Press's Omni System? I've come to love Talislanta and was wanting to adapt the system to other genres, and since Omni System is a universal version of the rules I figure it would be perfect, but there don't seem to be any resources or reviews online...
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    • Forum: Tabletop Roleplaying Open
  4. S

    [Kickstarter] Talislanta- what choice of system?

    So the pledge manager came out, and I'm curious- which system are folks inclined to use for the new Talislanta RPG? 5e, Pathfinder, OpenD6, Savage Worlds, or the original Talislanta engine?
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    • Forum: Tabletop Roleplaying Open
  5. H

    Talislanta mechanics minus Talislanta setting

    I apologize if this question has already been asked and answered, but my search for 'Talislanta' didn't find anything recent.I loved reading the Talislanta core rules in terms of the mechanics, but the setting didn't really grab me. Has anyone tried separating the mechanics from the setting...
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    • Forum: Tabletop Roleplaying Open
  6. D

    [Talislanta] What is there, other than a lack of elves?

    So, while browsing the forum, I saw a banner add for Talislanta which boasted '30 years later...still no Elves'.And for nearly 30 years I have seen adds for Talislanta online, in game shops, in Dragon magazines and so on.And each and every time their tagline is 'no Elves', which the banner...
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    • Forum: Tabletop Roleplaying Open
  7. Talislanta the Savage Land kickstarter on March 21

    Stephen Michael Sechi announced on the Facebook group tha Stewart Wieck plans to launch the Kickstarter March 21, 2017. Wahoo!!
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    • Forum: Tabletop Roleplaying Open
  8. Talislanta: The Savage Lands

    I don’t think it’s a secret that there is a new Talislanta game in the works from Steve Sechi and the people at Nocturnal. Talislanta: The Savage Lands is a prequel to he setting we all know and love. It looks like its going to be a very cool game and Nacturnal doesn’t half step on...
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    • Forum: Tabletop Roleplaying Open
  9. Other Publisher[Nocturnal Media] Talislanta: the Savage Land

    http://www.nocturnal-media.com/blog/2015/10/16/announcing-talislanta-the-savage-landANNOUNCING TALISLANTA: THE SAVAGE LANDOctober 16, 2015STILL “NO ELVES” IN THE NEW TALISLANTA ROLEPLAYING GAMEHOUSTON, Texas - October 2, 2015 - Nocturnal Media today introduced Talislanta: The Savage Land...
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    • Forum: The Glamorous Unrestrained Hype Machine
  10. T

    So, what's the most original and unique fantasy setting out there?

    Basically... something new. I'll make a list:-No usage of material from Tolkien or Dungeons and Dragons-Cultures presented are not simply analogues to actual ones extant or extinct on Earth-Cultures presented are different from the fantasy norm, yet realistically reflect envirodeterminalism...
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    • Forum: Tabletop Roleplaying Open
  11. [Talislanta] New Book

    So, in ages past, the game Talislanta was created. It went through 5 editions with various features and developed a pretty solid fan-base among gamers. Then, some years past, Talislanta's creator, SMS, decided that fans had likely had enough and that as a big 'Thank You' to all the fans over...
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    • Forum: Tabletop Roleplaying Open
  12. Talislanta... IN SPACE!

    I've been reading through Talislanta again, and I had the thought that you could do something very similar to Talislanta as a science fiction setting. My goal is not to replicate the Talislanta races and cultures 1:1 in a science fiction setting but to use similar themes.Let's say that Earth...
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    • Forum: Tabletop Roleplaying Open
  13. Gaming in Talislanta

    Most Talislanta publications have been available for free for quite some time now. I've read the setting quite some time ago and it rather intrigued me - but I never really did anything with it.So now I am curious: Have you ever run or played in a Talislanta game? What was your campaign...
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    • Forum: Tabletop Roleplaying Open
  14. [Sell me] Talislanta

    A while back I was reading a book which had Talislanta 4th Edition as recommended reading. The name of the game was strange enought to pick my interest. After a quick seach I found talislanta.com where, to my delightful surprise, you can download all Talistanta books from 1st to 5th Edition for...
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    • Forum: Tabletop Roleplaying Open
  15. T

    [Inclusivity/Setting Hacking/LGBT] Queering Talislanta

    DISCLAIMER: A bunch of stuff I'm going to post here has already been posted to one of my G+ circles, so if you're in that circle you've probably seen it already. I will probably be expanding a bit here and also including annotations as to what is 'canon' and what I've changed or added.So. I'm...
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    • Forum: Tabletop Roleplaying Open
  16. Talislanta 4ed

    Sorry, I'm curious.Talislanta, the big blue book edition, 4th I think, would you purchase it if it was put back in print?
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    • Forum: Tabletop Roleplaying Open
  17. M

    Talislanta question

    I read an interview with Stephen Michael Sechi, the creator of Talislanta, in which he said that he doesn't plan on licensing Talislanta to an RPG company again, which would mean that Tal5 would be the last edition of the game. He said 'How many more editions can you do?' and emphasized that he...
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    • Forum: Tabletop Roleplaying Open
  18. K

    [Talislanta 5e/OMNI] Anyone else embrace this game/system?

    (I'm posting here since it has to do more on a positive note with a system other than PF/D&D4e)I'm a casualty of the D&D Edition Wars. The Nerdzerking hordes have trampled across my once fertile fields of gaming, leaving me with various stacks of pamphlets of paranoid propaganda among their...
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    • Forum: Tabletop Roleplaying Open
  19. Original Talislanta Magic in PDQ

    This has been playing around in my head because of this. I'll preface further by saying that I have become more and more fond of Talislanta's original magic system over the last few years. John Harper's modular system for 4th ed was - and still is - a fantastic piece of design - but the...
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    • Forum: Tabletop Roleplaying Open
  20. Any Talislanta Love?

    Someone pointed out to me that the Talislanta books are now free and I really started looking into this game and it looks cool.http://talislanta.com/?page_id=5I am really looking at 4th edition because the person who pointed the site out to me suggested 4th edition. I dont see any talk...
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    • Forum: Tabletop Roleplaying Open
  1. Talislanta 4 Ears Mysteriorum's Rpg Sanctuary Free
  2. Talislanta 4 Ears Mysteriorum's Rpg Sanctuary Guide

If the stupidity I've previously outlined using Rolemaster and D&D's Forgotten Realms continues, then the tabletop RPG business deserves to die screaming under massed Dalek death ray volleys.

Talislanta Geographica — Wizards of the Coast, 1992 — ISBN 1-880992-05-1 The poster–sized, full color map of Talislanta. The referee screen with small Talislanta map on one side and rules and charts on the other. A small booklet with language maps, weather maps, conflict maps, and four mini adventures. You can’t get a better deal than this. I've already talked about my love for Talislanta on my blog. I guarantee there is something in there you can use. May 12, 2010 at 8:58 AM. RPG Blog Updates. Welcome to the Sanctuary After more than a decade of being an RPG enthusiast, I've created my share of documents, and figured this would be a fine.


There's a new Talislanta edition looking for money on Kickstarter. Never heard of it? That's because it's a D&D competitor whose appeal and marketing all boils down to 'Don't like this about D&D? Play our game!' (e.g. 'No Elves!') Everything I said about the importance of lore to actual play applies here, and that includes the appeal to this new version set as a prequel to the established era and its rising successor states to the former God-Like Mageocracies that rules. Instead, you get 60 Minutes After The Bomb: it's the barbaric post-apocalypse, meant to be more Conan than Elminster.


And I cannot be bothered to care, for the same reasons I laid out previously: they're doing sweet fuck-all to connect their customers together. It's the same mistake, because they still don't get that it's not the 1980s anymore; they'll say otherwise but they're actions prove it. Ryan Dancey nailed this over 15 years ago: what matters is the network of users, not the physical product. That is your business; you're in the business of connecting people together. Just as McDonald's is not in the business of making burgers (it's real estate), so are tabletop RPGs are not in the business of selling games (it's user network facilitation).

Talislanta 4 ears mysteriorum

The value of the game is to attract users who want to connect with others over a shared interest. Your revenue comes from tools you provide to make that happen, happen easily, and happen conveniently. The rules? Give them away; you shouldn't devote significant capital to them anyway (use an open source engine or GTFO). The lore? Worthless without a transmedia strategy where a setting bible matters; if so, put it up into a Wiki and be done with it.

Talislanta 4ears Mysteriorum

Talislanta 4 Ears Mysteriorum's Rpg Sanctuary Free

Talislanta 4ears Mysteriorum

Talislanta 4 Ears Mysteriorum's Rpg Sanctuary Guide

No one currently a major player has a fucking clue what the reality of this niche market is now. (The RPG Pundit is a minor player, and he's showing some understanding that the game's changed.) That includes the current Talislanta crew, so this edition won't do any better than the previous ones (which had far more friendly conditions for competition). No sympathy; all of you ought to know better by now to stop doing the same thing and expecting different results!