Best Bets Of The Daythe Place To Win System


From The Desk Of:Steve Davidson
Location: Mandurah

The idea of place betting seems appealing and many punters may look towards that strategy because they can’t quite get across the line to profit on the win betting side of things.It’s easy to identify days where you lost on your win bets and calculate that if you had of backed those horses to place. The advised amount to place on each bet and the possible profit will be updated instantly. The dutching system begins by first finding a race with a number of runners, preferably more than 10.

Dear Friend,
Since the advent of betting exchanges, betting on the horses has NEVERbeen the same. No longer are we at the mercy of the bookmakers, whodictate the prices and narrow the options. Because of this, we can betany way we like. And, because of thatAnd I'm not talking generalities.
I'm talking about a very specific formula that has been developed,tested and perfected over time. A formula for betting on the horses to notplace-- at all! (Did you know you can do that? Well, you can!)
But there's more to it than that. Much more.
By discovering a very specific system that uses the odds of each horse,I've been able to consistently win 85% of the time!That's right! During the first 194 days after my site first went liveon the 28th August, 2008, and we started using this formula, we haveearned a profit of £13,748.50! That's an average of £71 per day! And we don't bet every day!
The first thing to understand is, you have to throw away everything youever thought you knew about betting. Forget Win, Place or Show. ForgetTrifectas and Exactas-- that's all rubbish! What you have to thinkabout is Place Betting...

But I don'texpect you to believe it just because I say so. Who am I?You don't know me from Adam. So here are some mf the figures that we'veearned, day by day, over the last eight months or so.
First, our basic stats since I first started using this system, whichbegan July 2008 and runs until the end of last year:

Just look at the charted growth! And, mind you, this is with just a£100 lay bet to start!

And, in case you're just a smidge skeptical, wondering what's happeningnow, here are the stats from the beginning of this year:
As you can see, the system is still working beautifully. And, in fact,it continues to work consistently, returning wins a staggering 85%of the time.
By now, you're wondering just exactly how this 'place lay' bettingworks. So, I'm going to explain it to you. But first, here is a glimpseof my latest diary entries:

After a Break of recording Results ( doing other projects, including BetfairATM.)
We have revisited the method to see how it was still working.
In 8 weeks over £5,440.00 profit!
Week by Week

Best Bets Of The Day The Place To Win Systematic

December had lots of racing cancelled.

In 2012 is it still making money?
So why are you still waiting ?
To get an idea of how it's done, listen to this short over-view:

Best Bets Of The Daythe Place To Win System

Let's face it.You will never get wealthy trading hours for pounds (from a j-o-b, forinstance). You need a better strategy if you are ever going to achievethe kind of wealth you dream of!

This CAN do it for you!

But how, exactly, is this kind of phenomenal winning rate achieved?What are the details -- when to bet, which races to pass on -- that youneed to know? There is a specific formula that I'veused, time and again, to achieve these results.
When I first found this system, I tested it extensively, to be sure itworked. And, while I could have kept it to myself, I also knewit could really help out a few other people.

This ISthe best laying system around!

And every single step is explained to you in 'Place Lay Formula'.Here are a few facts about the ebook and about betting:

Basic Facts

  • These days it's a battleat the exchanges to make a good, consistant profit and you need all theleverage you can get.
  • Little signs spottedearly can produce big results-- consistently.
  • Michael is a Betfairtrader. He has seen an area that has produced profits, safe secureprofits.
  • The old saying thatsuccess leaves clues is certainly the basis for the 'Place Lay Formula.'
  • When trading most days ofthe week, Michael has been amazed at the regular profits he has beenable to make using this method.
  • As the place market isnot as liquid as the win market, Michael has set a strict limit on thenumber of copies of the 'Place Lay Formula' that can be sold.
    Once that number is reached, that will be it! Why? Because Michael usesthis method everyday except Sunday.
    Hey, it's his day off to enjoy life.
  • This is based on UK horseracing only. No, it will not work anywhere else. However you can mostcertainly live in different countries and still use the Place LayFormula. Except...
  • You do need to haveaccess to Betfair, so US citizens are out-- sorry.

If you have been struggling to make
money laying, then this is the approach
that will turn it around!

Why YouShould Buy
Michael's Place Lay Formula

It explains:
  • How to earn a consistantincome every week with low risk, and excellent returns.
  • What to do, step-by-step,from the very first day.
  • How to set up seed money(your initial investment), and how to manage it from day one
    You never have to dip into any other funds to earn this income.
  • When to bet -- and whento stay home.
  • How to find the 'bestbets,' consistently, in each race.
  • How to treat betting as abusiness.
    This Is Not Entertainment! It's a Business!
    One that will give you vast profits from the first day!
  • The work involved (yes,there is some of that), and how to manage it.
  • How, if you follow allthe instructions and set this up as it is explained, you will makemoney using Michael's Place Lay Formula.
  • As I said before, this isnot entertainment, it is a business. But it is much betterthan any JOB and higher paying, too. Oh yes, and did I mention (in somecountries), TAX FREE!

Here are just a few of the responses we've received about Michael'sPlace Lay Formula:

Date: Wednesday, 19November, 2008, 8:15 PM

Michael,thanks a lot for your 'Place Lay Formula' and very valuable service viaYahoo Messenger. I am using your formula since 29 october. I made betsmainly after your messages by yahoo but i also made couple bets bymyself. I didn't catch every bet, I made couple mistakes and changeswith my staking plan, but even that I made 38.00 points profit with 80%winning bets!!! Thanks so much for that!!! I am really sure that myprofits will only increase!



P.S. Ireally like the logic of your process and am seeing this as a long termaddition to my portfolio.


GoodMorning, Michael

Recentlybought your system via Steve Davidson - it looks very logical andintelligent - also fun to use.

Regards,Breon Rawlings

Hi Michael,
Another 2 winning Place Lays today - excellent!! Since purchasing yoursystem, I have had 14 bets (I was not available to bet on all possibleselections due to work constraints) and 13 have been winning bets!!This is 92.3% strike rate and I am up by 14.55 points using yourstaking plan.
I am very pleased with the way things are going and hope that thissuccess continues. I believe it should continue, everything seems verylogical. The only downside is having to be available for when theselected races are running. I can't always be available but thisdownside is acceptable as long as I keep making these sorts of profits.
Good luck and thanks!

Hi Michael

Hats off to you forowning up to your occasional errors in the Place Lays - not a lot ofpeople do that - at present I am doing better than you are!



I amusing your placelayformula since Sep.18th. Although I did not catchevery selection I am very satisfied with results. Since start my recordis 13 - 0. For some reason (I don't know why) I had no losing bet tilnow. But I only play little stakes so far without progression until Iget more confident with selections.



I havebeen using your Placelay system for just a few days and have made over30% profit already, with 13 winning and no losing lays. As I do notalways have the time to monitor every race, I have now subscribed toyour selections service and am looking forward to making some realmoney with you.

Ian Bass


Using my own selections from your system (not as rigid asyours) : 115 selections, 101 winning lays, 90.43% success, ending bank£895.68 and with no fees to deduct.
I shall continue to use your system, for which I truly thank you andwish you continuing success.



Hi, Michael
Your system is spot on and your selection service has already paid foritself 8 times over in the first month of use. I have been staking alittle higher than advised but have made profits over £400 fromOatober1st to now (22nd November) on a very small bank of £600.59 wins in 64. Congratulations on a great system and please keep itup!!
Many Thanks,
Chris Williams


I would just like tosay thank you.
I bought the system earlier this evening and used it on the three raceslisted below.
My three selections were

· Three Boarsin the 8:20

· He’s ahumbug in the 8:50

·Justcallmehandsome in the 9:20

My selection in the9:20 differs from yours. I almost selected princely hero but on viewingthe graph for Justcallmehandsome about 1 minute before the off i optedto choose that horse as my selection.
Justcallmehandsome was unplaced and in just these three races i haverecovered over half of the purchase price for the system.

I’m not going tobe able to use the system each and every day as i have work commitmentsbut i intend to use it on weekends and evening mee

Leighton Jones

27th November. 08

Thanks a lot Michael!
I am writing this testimonial with pleasure because your Place LayFormula and Service via messenger works great for me 3rd month rightnow! I make profit every week and have about 80% winning bets! What ilike the most is that i can trust you. I know that you are expert inhorse racing and even if we sometimes have a little bit more loosingbets, I am sure that profits will come.

Piotr Wasik

24th January 2009


Hello ~Steve,
I have spoken with Michael and sorted out my yahoo messengermembership.
What a first day with your service, 2 bets, 2 winners, I have beenadvised that the last ten selections resulted in 9 winners for us, 1loser, wow, wot a service.
I have taken up your service from the advice of believe that your service is a cut above the rest, and from thefirst days selections and friendly advice I have received from michael,your service is above anything else on offer.
Thank you very much for accepting me onto your service.

From:Betting School <>
Subject: testimonial
Date: Tuesday, 17 February, 2009, 9:47 AM

Hi Michael,
The following is quoted from an article that is scheduled to bepublished on my site later this month.
This (Place LayFormula) made a nice steady profit during the test period and ... madea creditable 13 points profit in January at level stakes.
Betting School
Insiders Report February 2009

Best Bets Of The Day The Place To Win Systemic

As many of these satisfied purchasers said, there are so many goodreasons to get Michael's Place Lay Formula that it is probably evidentto you, too. But, here are a few more facts you shouldknow about the system:

MoreBasic Facts

  1. There are up to 6 bettingraces on a busy Saturday. Less on the midweek days.
  2. You can identify racesthat will be possible races early, so there's no need to follow eachrace.
  3. You will need to followthe race that you are going to bet on from around the 10 minute mark tothe off!
  4. No in play bettingrequired.
  5. Yes some days there willbe no bets.
  6. Has a great strike rateof 85.2% successful bets.
  7. Within a few days ofgetting the method you will be an expert at picking up extra cash!
  8. If treated seriously thiswill seriously reward you.
  9. You will have access fora month, of the playable races each day, so that will give youconfidence, and a good way of double checking your judgement.
  10. The rules are clear. Byfollowing them, you will be able to make the same bets we do.
  11. You can take days offfrom this method and then pick it up when it suits you.
  12. Everything you need is onthe Betfair Website.
  13. Has very few losing days.
  14. You need basic Betfairknowledge ( how to place bets) and a Betfair Account.

By now you're probably trying to figure this all out-- how it works,what it means. So, just to be sure you understand there are no'unspoken' truths, here is a list of

What Place Lay Formula is NOT:

  1. Arbitrage Betting -- NO
  2. In Play Laying -- NO
  3. Loss Chasing, Staking -- NO
  4. Requires form and extrapurchases -- NO
  5. Trading, lay and back betting-- NO
  6. Requires you to be a rocketscientist -- NO
  7. Requires hours of sitting infront of the computer -- NO

I'm sure you can think of ways to use some extra cash-- as the sayinggoes, 'You can never be too rich...' And, in these days, sometimes it'sa matter of keeping up with inflation and un-expected economicdown-turns.

Whatever the case, whether it is a few quid to make life easier, or tofinally enjoy a trip to the Sun, Place Lay Formula can makethat difference for you.

Remember, too, this is a limited offering. Because we are dealing withthe place pool, which is smaller than the win pool, we must be carefulto protect the prices. That is, if too many people learn this techniqueand use this formula, it will tip the odds against all of us. And wecan't have that.
So, of course, only a very finite number of ebooks will be available--

Best Bets Of The Day The Place To Win System Drive


This is why you need to jump on this NOW, while youstill can. This page may be gone tomorrow, along with your chance toget in on the place lay advantage.
But, to be perfectly honest, even the Place Lay Formula will not work,if you do not apply the principles it teaches, go out and place thebets and actually DO IT!! And only YOU can dothat.
Let me put it this way:

The REAL Secret

You may have seen, read or at least heard of, 'TheSecret.'Well here is the real secret, in a nutshell:
Take 100 footballers, or tennis players, or even 100 people fpom anyclub. In fact, take any 100 people randomly. What you will discover inany group is the same thing:
  • 5% will be stars (very good)
  • 15% will be pretty good
  • 80% will be also-rans, those justbattling to make the grade
...I think you get the picture!
What makes the 5% so good, it is not education. The world is full ofeducated derelicts. Nor is it money, or class status or anything thateasily specific.
What makes them winners and separates them from all the rest is CHOICEand BEHAVIOUR! That is the real SECRET!
Not Magic. Anyone can do it... it's just that most people (95%) don't!
Here is a great example!
We have sold many copies of The Place Lay Formula. But, guess WHAT?!Most read it and say, 'oh, well, too hard... won't suit me.'Or, 'I work, so I can't do it.'
And where is their copy now? Yep, still sitting on their hard drive,if they even opened it at all!

That is the '95%'ers'approach!!

They had the same choice you have now, and they accepted their behavior,which was to do NOTHING! -- just like all the other SYSTEMSthey purchased before (and will probably purchase afterward)! Because buyingthe system isn't the end... it's only the beginning!
But, they did not have to choose that course. (Andneither do you!)
Now, what the 5%'ers DID was chooseanother course.
They bought the very same PLACE LAY FORMULA system, READ it,even several times if necessary (some even printed it up, to study itas they took the bus to work), until they completely understood everyportion of the system. And, if they didn't understand something, theyasked questions, until everything was clear. In short, theydid whatever it took< to master the system!
But, at this point, their choices are little different from thechoices of the 15%'ers.
NOW, for the difference!!
What did the 5%'ers DO DIFFERENTLYthan all the rest?

Than all the rest!!

And they did not quit as soon as they had a loss. They did not wanefrom the instructions!

AND, YES they are still, tothis DAY, MAKING MONEY!!

You see the difference? All of them bought the system. They made thesame choice. But 95% never bothered to follow it. Or, if they did, theydid not stick to it. Do you SEE how their BEHAVIOUR was THEDIFFERENCE?!?!
The bottom line is: Those that are following it are making


And all thiscan begin with just a click of the mouse. That is the very first stepto beginning a process that can, literally, change your whole life--

Go ahead... it's YOUR choice now.

Which do you choose? To keep on trying to bet to win... or to learn an entirely different, yet very consistent way to bet to lose. (Remember: Only suckers bet to win.)

Hi Steve, firstly I wanted to comment on Michael's Place Lay Formula. I was a little concerned at spending nearly £70 on a system but have to say after using it for a couple of days that it is the BEST SYSTEM I HAVE PURCHASED FROM YOU. Easy to use, logical and produces consistent results. Great Stuff.

So GrabYour Copy Now!


ShortTime Only

Pay With PayPal Here

I'd just like to leave you with one last thought: If you don't acceptthis offer, where will you be with your punting in a month from now?
Steve Davidson